Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Joy to Remember - KOTM

Well it's that time for a few sneaks from Septembers Kit of the Month "A Joy to Remember" over at The Flying Unicorn  Don't forget to check the forum for the other Creative Team's Sneaks!

Here's a few from some of my projects.  More will be coming later in the week so check back!

The Kit of the month is available shortly after midnight eastern standard time from the store and sells for 31.99 plus shipping (5.95 USA and 16.95 International) It is jammed packed with lots of goodies and flowers of course, with the best part being the OTP ( Off the Page project) which adds excitement to the kit, challenges you , and can make wonderful gifts ... Enjoy the peaks ... and do not forget to get yours on September 01, 2011 !


  1. Fabulous sneak peaks! Can't wait to see more and what you make of with them :)

  2. Gorgeous sneaks. Love that fabric flower. :)


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